Friday, July 14, 2006

It is Hot Hot Hot!

I think it was almost 100 degrees today. It was really hot, so we tried to spend a lot of time inside. One of my activities today was going grocery shopping at Lund's with Mommy and Daddy. A lot of people hate grocery shopping, but I love it. Here is why: (1) The Food. You can't argue with the food. You know how much I love to eat. (2) All of the friendly people for me to wave and point at. The grocery store is full of them. (3) Free samples. Need I say more? (Especially the cheese.). (4) Pushing the cart. A couple of days ago I told you about pushing the stroller, but that is nothing compared to pushing the cart. The cart is great because I have a clear view right through it.

Earlier today I tried out a new--although somewhat scary--trick. I climbed up three stairs. Fortunately, my Mommy was standing right behind me while I was climbing. I think Mommy was curious to find out how far up the stairs I would go. I would love to make it to the top of the stairs, but I heard some mention about another "baby gate", so I think my plans may be thwarted.

Remember yesterday when I told you about getting my knee stuck in the crib rails? Well, I did it again! I think I'm on to something here. I successfully avoided another afternoon nap, simply by sticking my leg through the crib rails. It works like a charm, but it is a little painful. It is a tough call, but I think the pain is worth it.

Mommy and Daddy were a little dim today. I had to remind them repeatedly where my head is. They kept on asking, "Where's your head?" I would then point to my head. My head is where it is every day--right on top of my body. They would cheer and shout every time I correctly pointed it out. I guess it can take Mommy and Daddy a little while to learn those things.

Well, it's time for Bun and me to go to bed. If you could see me right now, I'm waving at the computer. Good night.

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