Friday, December 29, 2006

Mommy's Baby Picture

This is a picture of me at Christmas (16 1/2 months)

This is a picture of Mommy during Christmas 1975 (11 months)

Do you see any family resemblance?

Friday, December 22, 2006

It Snowed!

I can't believe all of the snow! It is so white and cold and fluffy.

I've fallen and I can't get up!

Several inches of snow fell yesterday afternoon. Mommy (which I pronounce "mum") and I went outside and played in the snow. It was a winter wonderland. The snow and the ice clung to the trees and bushes. Later, daddy took me outside and I had a ride on a sled. I got bored sitting there, so then I pushed the sled through the snow. I am so happy that we have snow for Christmas.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas Cookies

Daddy and mommy thought it would be fun to make Christmas cookies and have me help decorate them. Isn't that funny? Hello!?! I am only 16 months old! I cannot DECORATE cookies. I can only EAT cookies. I never knew that a cookie could taste so good. The sprinkles and the colored frosting made the cookies beautiful AND delicious.

On another note, I continue to learn more and more words. It is pretty exciting. I can say "teacher" (pronounced "tee-true); "barbie" (pronounced "boppy"); and "peek-a-boo" (pronounced "mee-a-moo").

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Oh Happy Day!

I rarely smile or laugh for pictures, but this was one of those rare occasions. I actually smile and laugh a lot. I just refuse to do so when a camera is around. I just could not contain my excitement over the delicious meal that I had eaten. I have quite the refined palate for a toddler. For dinner, I had salmon, squash and beets. Yummy.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Play Time

Now that it is cold, we are spending a lot more time playing inside. I love drawing with daddy, which I pronouce "da-deeee." We can spend a long time drawing and listening to music. Sometimes, I will stop drawing to shake my butt if a good beat comes on. I also like playing in my toy car. Bun often comes along for the ride, too. I beep the horn and turn the keys and mommy or daddy will sometimes push me around the house really fast.

I am really trying to talk these days. Mommy and daddy are getting better at understanding me, too. When I want to see something, I say "see, see, see" until they give it to me. I can also scream really, really loud when things are not going my way. That gets their attention fast! I am trying out new sounds. I am trying to say "seal," but it sounds like "see-ohh." I have come-up with a few things that are uniquely my own. For example, when I want to go downstairs I say, "dah-do." I say "dah-do" because it is really hard to say "downstairs" when you are just learning to talk.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I am the queen of making funny faces! This one is a classic. I think that I started making it when I was about six months old. I have now added a new version of it at 16 months old. I make this face when I say the word, "Snow." First, I crunch up my nose, then I blow out of my nose, and finally I say "snow" in a very nasally sort of way. There has not been too much snow yet this winter, so I have had limited opportunities to say "snow." I am hoping for a big blizzard soon.