Friday, December 08, 2006

Play Time

Now that it is cold, we are spending a lot more time playing inside. I love drawing with daddy, which I pronouce "da-deeee." We can spend a long time drawing and listening to music. Sometimes, I will stop drawing to shake my butt if a good beat comes on. I also like playing in my toy car. Bun often comes along for the ride, too. I beep the horn and turn the keys and mommy or daddy will sometimes push me around the house really fast.

I am really trying to talk these days. Mommy and daddy are getting better at understanding me, too. When I want to see something, I say "see, see, see" until they give it to me. I can also scream really, really loud when things are not going my way. That gets their attention fast! I am trying out new sounds. I am trying to say "seal," but it sounds like "see-ohh." I have come-up with a few things that are uniquely my own. For example, when I want to go downstairs I say, "dah-do." I say "dah-do" because it is really hard to say "downstairs" when you are just learning to talk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i cant believe your drawing and driving already, imagine what youll be doing when your 2!