Thursday, November 30, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

I love to read.

I am super cool.

Green Bay Grandma and me at the Wildlife sanctuary.

The light show at the botancial gardens.

Feeding the geese with mommy---notice the kernel of corn I am dropping for the geese.

Thanksgiving was busy, but a lot of fun. On thanksgiving day, we went to White Bear Lake Grandma's and Grandpa's house for dinner. The food looked delicious, but I pretty much just ate the pie. Holidays are great! I spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house in my pack 'n' play. I DID NOT want to go to bed. Mommy stayed in the bedroom to help me fall asleep. She watched me do all of my fun night-time things: talk to Bun, jump in my crib, hold the crib rail and lean back as far as I can, etc.

The next day, we had the long car ride to Green Bay. But, it was worth it. We had a lot of super yummy food. We fed the geese at the Wildlife sanctuary, went to a Christmas light show at the botanical gardens, and read a lot of books. Also, everyone got to hear my latest word, "wooh." I like to say it all time, particularly when I fall or something else falls.

Thanksgiving was great. I cannot wait until Christmas!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Getting Ready for the Holidays

Mommy and me in the sky-way downtown Mpls.

Bun and me (in my pretty red dress) drawing a picture

I am getting excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was a little baby last year during the holidays, and I can hardly remember the great times that I had!

On Sunday, we went downtown to see the Mary Poppins show at Macy's. There were a lot of people waiting in line, but it was worth it. On Saturday, we had our Christmas picture taken. I got dressed-up in my pretty red dress. Usually, I do not like having my picture professionally taken, but this time I enjoyed it. The photographer was really nice, and she even got me to smile a little bit. I bet you are excited to get your Christmas card with a picture of me on it!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Having Fun at Home

I posted a few pictures of me having fun after my bath and before bedtime. In one of the pictures, I put mommy's necklace on my head and it looks like I am wearing a crown.

I am having a lot of fun learning to talk these days. Mommy and daddy do not always understand what I am saying, but they are getting pretty good. Here is a short list of my words:

eat, ball, shoe, outside, baby, bubble, mama, dada, (a whole ton of animal noises), dog, cheese, down, bow, moon, spoon, Bun (who I sometimes call "beebee"), uh oh, no, and other words that I cannot remember right now.

If I try to say a word and mommy and daddy do not understand, I just whine and point a lot. That usually does the trick. I will let you know when I learn some more words.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

No Snow in Minneapolis

We were supposed to drive to Green Bay this weekend, but a big snow storm hit Wisconsin a few hours before we were going to leave. I was really sad about it. I wanted to see Grandma and Grandpa and eat all of their yummy food. To make matters worse, no snow fell in Minneapolis. I have been trying on my boots for the last several weeks, just waiting for the snow to come. Alas, I must wait a little longer. But, I am getting pretty good at walking in my clunky boots.

This weekend, we went to the Minnesota Children's Museum. I ran around this thing called "the Ant Hill," which was a series of crazy tunnels. Daddy crawled in it with me. I still do not know how he fit inside of it! Mommy and daddy purchased a membership, so we can go whenever we want to. I am so lucky.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Every night, mommy or daddy read me books in the rocking chair as I drink milk. It is our little snuggle-time and bed-time routine.

Happy Halloween

Halloween is great! As you can see, I was a duck for Halloween. Here is what we did. First, I got all dressed-up in my duckie suit. Then, we went outside, even though it was cold and dark. Then, we went from house to house and knocked all of the doors in the neighborhood! I babbled to everyone that opened the door. The nice people then let me reach into a big bowl of candy, and I put a piece of candy into my little bag. My bag was full when I came home. I was so excited about the candy that I started to eat it with the wrappers still on. Mommy stayed home and handed out candy to the other trick or treaters. It was a great night.