Thursday, November 02, 2006

Happy Halloween

Halloween is great! As you can see, I was a duck for Halloween. Here is what we did. First, I got all dressed-up in my duckie suit. Then, we went outside, even though it was cold and dark. Then, we went from house to house and knocked all of the doors in the neighborhood! I babbled to everyone that opened the door. The nice people then let me reach into a big bowl of candy, and I put a piece of candy into my little bag. My bag was full when I came home. I was so excited about the candy that I started to eat it with the wrappers still on. Mommy stayed home and handed out candy to the other trick or treaters. It was a great night.


Anonymous said...

Oh sophie, you look soooo cute in your little ducky costume!!! I hope you didn't let your mommy and daddy con you into letting them have any of your hard earned candy.

Chris Heffelbower said...

Candy? What candy? They ate it all! Oink, oink.