Sunday, April 26, 2009



"Yo (gurt), baby."
Juliet is a good eater. She tries lots of food and generally, eats well. However, she wants to eat on her own these days. She wants to try to eat with a spoon and fork, but mostly with her hands. We want to encourage her, but things do get messy. Often, dinner time ends with a bath for Juliet! She also has a particular love for sweets. In these photos, we had frozen yogurt, whip cream and sprinkles for dessert. Juliet gleefully ate hers up. Even Sophia was shocked at the mess!

Flower Show

We have a spring tradition of going to the Macy's flower show every year. The downtown Macy's store turns its 8th floor auditorium into a magical flower land. The girls loved smelling all of the beautiful flowers. Afterward, we did a little shopping (where Sophia and Juliet found some glass wall decorations to wedge themselves into--see pictures above) and had a little lunch. It was a lovely time!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mommy and the Girls Go Shopping

We went shopping today. Sophia desperately needed new clothes for Spring. But, Sophia is very particular about what she wears. She wants clothes that feel a certain way and look a certain way. She likes clothes that "have a lot going on" (her words). She also likes clothes that are soft with no itchy seams, tight sleeves or waistbands. She loves dresses.
Luckily, a few years ago we discovered the Hannah Andersson brand, whose clothes generally meet all of her requirements. The clothes are colorful, soft, and not itchy. They also make beautiful dresses, which Sophia calls her "princess dresses." We have also fallen in love with their super soft jammies, that do not seem to stain, despite daily breakfast disasters. The only problem is that the clothes are really expensive.
Then, we discovered the Hannah Andersson Outlet in Albertville about 45 minutes from Minneapolis. So, today Sophia, Juliet and I made the trek to the Outlet mall. I carefully planned the entire trip so that I could maximize on shopping and minimize on kid meltdowns. I packed lots of snacks, we only went to three stores, stayed one hour, ate a picnic lunch and ran-around, and then headed home. It was a total success! The kids were great. Sophia and I picked out some super cute clothes, we got some new jammies for Juliet, and everyone had fun.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Family Resemblance?

Juliet Heffelbower---March 2009

Lindsay (Heffelbower) Finneman---September 1983

Lindsay is Juliet's aunt and godmother. We all think that these early pictures of Lindsay show a huge family resemblance between the two! We will post more photos of when Lindsay was little as we dig through Ann's old photos.

Easter Party!

My parents drove from Green Bay to celebrate Easter with us. They brought a giant stuffed animal bunny for Sophia (which she named "Sparkle") and a giant stuffed animal duck for Juliet (which she is kind of afraid of). Sophia carried the bunny everywhere with her, and still often insists on bringing him for car rides, outside to be pushed in the swing, etc. Sophia and Grandma frosted the little lamby cake. Juliet loves sheep and lambs because she knows how to say, "Baa Baa," so she adored the cake.
Juliet immediately snuggled with Grandpa and became his constant companion for the weekend. On Saturday, we went to an Easter egg hunt and made crafts at church.
Unfortunately, by Sunday Juliet and I had come down with ear infections, which necessitated trips to the ER. Luckily, my parents were around to take care of the sickies while Sophia and Adam went to the Easter party at Adam parents. All-in-all we made the best of the weekend and still had a fun Easter.