Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Party!

My parents drove from Green Bay to celebrate Easter with us. They brought a giant stuffed animal bunny for Sophia (which she named "Sparkle") and a giant stuffed animal duck for Juliet (which she is kind of afraid of). Sophia carried the bunny everywhere with her, and still often insists on bringing him for car rides, outside to be pushed in the swing, etc. Sophia and Grandma frosted the little lamby cake. Juliet loves sheep and lambs because she knows how to say, "Baa Baa," so she adored the cake.
Juliet immediately snuggled with Grandpa and became his constant companion for the weekend. On Saturday, we went to an Easter egg hunt and made crafts at church.
Unfortunately, by Sunday Juliet and I had come down with ear infections, which necessitated trips to the ER. Luckily, my parents were around to take care of the sickies while Sophia and Adam went to the Easter party at Adam parents. All-in-all we made the best of the weekend and still had a fun Easter.

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