Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I Know a Few Tricks

Today I tried out a few tricks that I recently learned. Mommy and I went on our morning walk and, as usual, I got a little antsy during the last third of the walk. Mommy let me out of the stroller so that I could push the stroller for awhile. As I was pushing the stroller, I remembered that I knew how to walk on my own. I stopped pushing the stroller, let go, turned around and ran away from mommy. Oh, what fun!

The second trick that I recently learned, I have dubbed the "yucky" trick. As you well know, I love to put just about anything into my mouth--the smaller and crustier the better. Mommy and daddy often see me pick-up a crusty little morsel off of the ground. As I am slowly bringing that little piece of yummy crusty delight to my mouth, one of them will shout "Yucky, yucky, yucky." I know what that means. It means do not eat that thing that I want to eat so badly. So, what I do is hold out my hand and PRETEND like I am going to give them the yucky crumb. I then pretend to put the morsel in mommy or daddy's hand. Sometimes, I will hold out the WRONG hand to trick them. It is great fun, albeit only moderately successful. Mommy and daddy are smarter than they look.

How do you like my latest pictures? The ones in the crib are great because I am doing one of my favorite things in my crib---not sleeping! The other picture is of me having a great time playing on the play ground at Fuller park. Enjoy them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sophia!! You're so cute, sorry I missed your birthday party, it was Cassy's fault. Hopefully you and your parents will meet her soon.