Friday, August 15, 2008

Sisters are Best Friends Forever

I know that Juliet is going to be my best friend and sister forever. I even let her play with Bunny Bun. (Admittedly, it is only occasionally and only briefly). I also say nice things to her. After her nap and we hear her crying in the monitor, I will tell mommy, "Juliet is awake!" I then rush to the stairs and start racing for the top while shouting, "We are coming, Juliet!" Today, in the car, Juliet was fussing. I leaned over to her and said, "Don't worry, Juliet. I am sitting here right next to you."
P.S. Juliet and I do not sleep in the same crib, contrary to what you might think from the photo above. We were just playing in the crib together one morning as I was waking up. In fact, I no longer sleep in the crib. I am officially in a big kid bed with big kid fairy princess sheets from Auntie Katie. More blog entries to follow on that new development!

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