Thursday, October 14, 2010

Summer Recap Part II -- Butterflies

My mom finds monarch butterfly eggs, raises them to butterflies, and sets them free. We were in Green Bay when a few Chrysalises opened and butterflies emerged. The girls loved having the monarchs rest on their hands and shirts as the butterflies wings dried. Later, my mom gave us our very own chrysalis. If you have not seen a monarch chrysalis, you should. They are amazingly beautiful and look like a little piece of jewelry. We lucked-out and happened to be looking at the chrysalis at the very moment our butterfly emerged. Sophia and Juliet named it "Butterpeep," which is a combination of Sophia's suggestion for a name (Buttercup) and Juliet's suggestion (peep). Now, every time they see a monarch they point and say, "Its Butterpeep!"

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