Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tooth Fairy Tonight

Sophia lost her tooth today at school. She noticed her loose tooth a few weeks ago and was so excited about it. Everyday she would ask when her tooth was going to fall out, and everyday we would tell her in a few weeks. Well...today her tooth was hanging by a thread. Here is the synopsis of her story about losing her tooth today:
"I was sitting at a table with Lucy. We were drawing pictures of pumpkins. I was moving my tooth back and forth with my tongue. Suddenly, it just popped right out of my mouth! (gesturing with her finger showing an arc leading from her mouth to the table) It landed on the table right between Lucy and me. She was shocked! I picked up the tooth and showed Mrs. Margie, who told me to get a drink of water. I showed Ava and Johnny my tooth, too. Mrs. Margie then put my tooth in an envelope."
What a great story! I wonder what the tooth fairy will bring...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A few cute pictures and cute stories

Those were the cute pictures. Here are the cute stories.
Over the last few weeks, things at work have been really busy and I have had to work more than I would have liked. I had to go into work one Saturday and was feeling a little sad about it. Sophia was feeling a little sad that I would not be a part of "family day," too. So, I explained to Sophia that sometimes I had to work even when I did not want to because when I worked, I made money. I told her that the money I made paid for things like our house, new clothes and new toys. As I was leaving, Sophia came running after me outside shouting, "Goodbye, Mommy. Make lots of money!" That made me laugh.
The other day, Adam took the girls to pick up a pizza at Papa Murphys. Sophia only likes peperoni pizza. If you try to give her a pizza with vegetables or spices on it, she'll say, "Yuck. There's grass on it," and refuse to eat it. So, Adam decided to play a little joke on them, hoping that that Papa Murphy's clerk would go along with it. He walked up to the counter and said, "I would like to order one large POOPeroni pizza." At this point, the kids start frantically shouting, "No, Daddy! We want peperoni! Not pooperoni!" Adam turns to the clerk and says, "I am sorry, we would like a peperoni pizza; not a pooperoni pizza." This story is mostly funny because I cannot believe that Adam did this. It just goes to show what he will do to get a good laugh from the kids!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Summer Recap Part III -- Sophia Turns 5!

On August 6, 2010, Sophia turned five. Turning five seems like a milestone to me. My fifth birthday is the first birthday that I can remember. I remember waking up and coming downstairs to find a brand new pink bike and a chocolate cake with the number five written in m&m's. We recreated the cake for Sophia's birthday. We had big family party for Sophia. We served a traditional Vietnamese bbq that Adam and I had several times at parties of his Vietnamese friends. The beef, noodles, egg rolls and watermelon were delicious! Sophia loved opening presents, and got so many presents. We later had a kid party for her. She loved that, too. We had a "treasure hunt" where the kids had to find little wooden boxes that had a little special rock inside. The kids loved it, but a party of 8 kids was a little crazy.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Summer Recap Part II -- Butterflies

My mom finds monarch butterfly eggs, raises them to butterflies, and sets them free. We were in Green Bay when a few Chrysalises opened and butterflies emerged. The girls loved having the monarchs rest on their hands and shirts as the butterflies wings dried. Later, my mom gave us our very own chrysalis. If you have not seen a monarch chrysalis, you should. They are amazingly beautiful and look like a little piece of jewelry. We lucked-out and happened to be looking at the chrysalis at the very moment our butterfly emerged. Sophia and Juliet named it "Butterpeep," which is a combination of Sophia's suggestion for a name (Buttercup) and Juliet's suggestion (peep). Now, every time they see a monarch they point and say, "Its Butterpeep!"

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Summer Recap Part I -- Katie's Wedding

Sophia trying out Katie's veil.

The Heffs. Juliet was sick and Sophia was worn-out from all of the pictures.

The happy couple

We had a busy summer; it was so busy that I barely had time to blog! Now that it is Fall, I decided to do a little recap of some highlights of this summer. One big event was Katie and Darin's wedding in Chicago in June. It was a stunningly beautiful event. The church was beautiful, the bride was beautiful, and the view of Lake Michigan was beautiful. But, the thing I may remember most was the school bus. My parents rented a big yellow school bus, and Aunt Monica decorated the outside with "just married" signs. We all rode the bus from the hotel to the church and then to the reception. We sang, laughed and just generally had a wonderful time.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sophia --- Renaissance Girl

Sophia does a lot of things well. She is a good artist. In the top picture, she drew "a volcano shooting out of the ocean." She also loves to read, and she is getting really good at it. Sophia continues to do well at school: she has a lot friends, and teacher Lisa said that Sophia is a "very good student."

Monday, October 11, 2010

Our Little Juliet

Juliet is growing, growing, growing. She suddenly seems like a "big kid." She loves to tell people that she is "two and a half." She tells everyone that she has a big sister named "Fophia" (she can't say the 's'). She loves to jump in the leaves, run barefoot, snuggle with the kitty (a little too hard), and talk, talk, talk. We love our Juliet!