Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sophia's Music Program

Sophia goes to Kindergarten at a little school called SW Montessori. It is basically a one room school for three to five year olds with a kindergarten program. It was a last minute decision to send her to this school, rather then the public school we had signed her up for. We decided that we wanted a smaller, more nurturing environment for Sophia for this year. Also, Sophia is a young five year old with an August birthday, so we were unsure if putting her into a public school kindergarten was the right thing at that time.

We were lucky that the director of the school (who is also the lead teacher) allowed Sophia into the program. The Kindergarten program is usually reserved for kids who have been with the school for three years. But, Lisa had unexpected opening, and after meeting Sophia and seeing that she could read and write and was a good listener, she agreed to accept us. It has been such a blessing. Sophia has absolutely thrived at this school. The montessori materials are wonderful. The families at the school are wonderful. I am just amazed at how much Sophia is learning. The teachers have recommended that she move to First Grade. We still do not know exactly what that school will be, but we are excited for her. And, next year, Juliet will get to go to SW Montessori as preschooler!

Today was the music program at SW montessori. Sophia has been talking about it all week. She made a pig hat at school for the program. She got to chose which animal she wanted, and that is what she chose. They have been practicing so hard. Sophia was almost bursting with excitement. The program was so, so, darling. Sophia was very confident and very sweet. Later, in the afternoon, the school rented a room at a community center. We went ice skating, and had hot chocolate and treats. Sophia said that the day was as wonderful as she had imaged!

These are the four and five year olds in the school.

Sophia getting ready to perform.

Juliet and Adam in the audience.

Sophia singing a song.

Proud Mommy.

Sophia showing us where she will be standing once the show started.

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