Sunday, September 21, 2008

Grandpa's Birthday & Four Generations of Women Weekend

We celebrated Grandpa's 58th Birthday in Green Bay this weekend. We had a great time visiting. Grandma played play dough with me and Grandpa played running games around the house with me. Everyone loved watching Juliet crawl around on the floor and hear her make her latest vocals. We went the park, visited the Obama headquarters in Green Bay, ate cherry cheese cake, and played with toys. Here are some pictures of our fun weekend. Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Just hanging-out with a few bears. Some of the stuffed animals at Grandma and Grandpa's house originally belonged to my mommy and to auntie Katie.

Juliet liked the bears, too.

Whenever Juliet picks-up a stuffed animal, she immediately inspects its nose with her little fingers to determine if it is the proper shape for sucking. This bear made the cut.

Oh happy day!

Mommy and daddy found this fun toy at a garage sale while going for a jog on Saturday morning. P.S. This is our first official "matching outfit."

The four generations of women. (Frances, Maureen, Chris Marie, Sophia Marie and Juliet Frances)

The girls always have fun!

So sweet.

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