Monday, September 29, 2008

Juliet is 8 Months Old!

Here is a picture of Grandma and Juliet when Juliet was about one day old. Grandma and I visited mommy, daddy and baby Juliet at the hospital and this is when that picture was taken. It is hard to believe that our big baby Juliettie was so little!
Juliet's latest trick is to play peek-a-boo. Whenever Juliet finds a blanket or towel, she grabs it with both hands and lifts it over her face. She holds it there for several seconds while we say, "Where is Juliet? Where could she be?" Juliet then drops the blanket with a huge smile on her face. We all laugh and say "peek-a-boo", which prompts several repeat performances by Juliet. It is pretty adorable.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I Love to Help

I love to help. Whatever chore mommy or daddy is doing, I want to do it, too. Last week, mommy put Juliet in the baby bjorn and mowed the lawn. I cut black-eyed susans with my scissors. After I got bored with that, I asked mommy if I could mow. It was a lot of work pushing our little mower, but it was great fun! Look at how hard I worked. Nothing was going to stop me from mowing the lawn.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I got a "Bob"

I love my short new hairdo! Everyone tells me it looks so cute, and I enthusiastically tell them "thank you!"


Cheerios may be one of the greatest foods ever invented. Juliet just started eating "chunky" foods. Cheerios tops her list as one of her favorite chunky foods. I had forgotten how much I love Cheerios, too. Mommy needed to get some work done in the kitchen, so she put a place mat on the floor and put Cheerios on it. Juliet and I loved it.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Grandpa's Birthday & Four Generations of Women Weekend

We celebrated Grandpa's 58th Birthday in Green Bay this weekend. We had a great time visiting. Grandma played play dough with me and Grandpa played running games around the house with me. Everyone loved watching Juliet crawl around on the floor and hear her make her latest vocals. We went the park, visited the Obama headquarters in Green Bay, ate cherry cheese cake, and played with toys. Here are some pictures of our fun weekend. Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Just hanging-out with a few bears. Some of the stuffed animals at Grandma and Grandpa's house originally belonged to my mommy and to auntie Katie.

Juliet liked the bears, too.

Whenever Juliet picks-up a stuffed animal, she immediately inspects its nose with her little fingers to determine if it is the proper shape for sucking. This bear made the cut.

Oh happy day!

Mommy and daddy found this fun toy at a garage sale while going for a jog on Saturday morning. P.S. This is our first official "matching outfit."

The four generations of women. (Frances, Maureen, Chris Marie, Sophia Marie and Juliet Frances)

The girls always have fun!

So sweet.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Great Day"

Yesterday is what I call a "great day." At the end of the day I told mommy, "I had a great day with you." Here are a few pictures of our great day. I played the piano while mommy danced around the living room. I also sang and Juliet chimed in, too. In the bottom two pictures, Juliet played "monster baby." Juliet likes to play with the little people that go in the house. Mommy and I set-up all of the little people in the plastic house and Juliet (monster baby) comes and knocks them all down and puts them in her mouth. Juliet will also peer through the windows of the little house and try to topple the whole thing over. She also makes her growling noise that she loves to make while she is doing all of this. Juliet looks like a big giant "monster baby" during this game.


Here are a few updates on our life.

1. Mommy went back to work (sort of). Mommy is working in the office at the law firm one day per week. Daddy stays home in the morning with us, and then works late that day. Auntie Lindsay comes in the afternoon and stays until Mommy comes home. I have to say, I hardly notice she is gone! It is such a crazy and fun day!

2. Juliet continues to amaze us with her vocals. If I start to sing, Juliet will sing. If I start to shout, guess who shouts, too! She also also started to say, "dadadadadadadadadadad" and "bwahh...bwahh...bwahhh...bwahh..." Her words do not mean anything, but they are fun to hear!

3. I started gymnastics again. In the past, mommy, daddy & Juliet would stay and play with me in the gymnastics studio. Now, I graduated to the big kid class and I go in all by myself. The rest of the family gets to watch me from the windows in the lobby. It is great fun. In fact, I only acknowledged mommy and daddy one time during the entire hour long class.

4. What can say about daddy?!? He recently introduced me to Shel Silverstein's poems. We read them together nearly every night. I love all of the silly poems, but there are a few that are too scary for me.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Big Kid Bed

For my birthday, I got a big kid bed. It is pretty fantastic. Mommy and daddy finally kicked me out of the crib and now Juliet uses it. It really was no big deal. I started sleeping in big kid beds when we went on trips this summer. At first I made someone sleep in bed with me until I fell asleep, but not any more. Every night, daddy snuggles in bed with me. We play a few video games on the gameboy, read stories, talk about our day, say prayers and sing songs. Daddy leaves and I snuggle with Bunny Bun, look at my poster on the ceiling and fall asleep.