Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Teacher Emily and Teacher Sondra

For the past year, I have been going to daycare on Tuesday mornings at the Edina Family Center. Teacher Emily and assistant teacher Sondra have taken good care of me. They are both actresses by night and were really fun, funny and dramatic. Today was my last day of Teacher Emily's classroom. Mommy asked me if I was sad. I said that I was not sad because then I would get to stay at home with mommy. But, really, I will be a little sad. Teacher Emily taught me a lot of really fun things. She told me once that I had "sassy hair," which is now a phrase I use frequently. Teacher Sondra read me the "Opps" book, which is Sandra Boyton's book "Red Hat, Green Hat." I talked about the "Opps" book for days until mommy asked Teacher Sondra what book it was and purchased it. I was often a little sad when mommy dropped me off at Teacher Emily's classroom, but I would often not want to leave when mommy picked me up after lunch. Since I will be turning 3 this summer, I will be too old to go into Teacher Emily's classroom in the fall. Thanks Teachers Emily and Sondra for being so special!

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