Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Silly, silly, girls

These girls can be silly, and I mean really silly. There are two stories that happened this summer that made me laugh so hard, that I have to share them now.

1. One night, as I was finishing reading books to the girls in my bed, Adam came into the room. Juliet jumped in his arms and Adam started leading her out of the bedroom. As she was leaving, she turned to Sophia and me and said, "See ya next time, ya booty-stinks!" I have no idea where that came from, but it made me laugh so hard.

2. The second funny thing happened while we were in Door County. One night the girls were just wild and would not settle down. I was getting frustrated and gave them time-outs in two separate, but adjoining chairs. During their time-out, they were whispering secretly to each other. When I told that they could get out of time-out, they both jumped up out of their respective chairs, began to dance, and chanted, "Cha-cha, cha-cha, cha-cha, we do not like ma-ma," at which point they fell on the floor in fits of hysterical laughter. Needless to say, I heard that chant oft repeated for the rest of the weekend in Door County.

Sophia's First Day of First Grade

Sophia officially started first grade at Countryside today. She really was not too nervous about it. At the end of the day, she said that she had a "great" day. Juliet, however, told me that she was "unhappy" because she missed Sophia today.

I tried to get Sophia to tell me about her day, but she gave very little information. Here is what I know:

  • She got to play on the playground 4 times.

  • She enjoyed her snack and ate it all.

  • The lunchroom was noisy and she sat in the wrong spot, but it was no big deal.

  • She went to music class, which has a big computer.

  • She made two friends, but she can't remember their names.

  • She likes her teacher.

  • She was cold in the morning, but was fine for the rest of the day.

  • Her "pod" of desks is the "green crayon" pod.

  • She was quiet for most of the day, but talked to some friends.

  • She wrote one thing that said, "School is fun because I love my friends" (written phonetically).

My guess is that we will have more random facts after tomorrow!

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Juliet's 1st Day of Preschool

Juliet had orientation for preschool on Tuesday and her first official day at school on Friday. She did not cry when I dropped her off, but she did give me an extra long hug. I, however, got a little chocked-up. Juliet's preschool is where Sophia went to kindergarten last year. We love SW Montessori and are looking forward to a great year!

Saturday, September 03, 2011

What a difference a week and a half makes!

Sophia officially has no front teeth! She lost the right top one last night. Juliet bonked her in the face and it fell out. In fact, that is how three out of four of her teeth have fallen out! She looks adorable, but is having a bit of a hard time eating.