Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kindergarten Graduation: Part I

Sophia, Mrs. Heather, and Kate banging on the drums.

Mrs. Lisa presenting Sophia with her diploma and cap.

Inspecting her diploma.

Proud Sophia.

Sophia had a great year at SW Montessori. She made so many friends and learned so many new things. Sophia could read going into Kindergarten, but now she excels at it. She also has done really well on her spelling tests and has learned math and science skills . She really enjoyed going to school everyday. Sophia had seven kids in her graduation class, among the about 35 kids in her school. The big end of the year party was last Thursday night at a park in Minneapolis. The kids sang songs, played on the park equipment and had pony rides! We are so proud of Sophia. Next year, Sophia is off to First Grade in the public schools. But, we still get to be a part of SW Montessori because Juliet will go in the Fall!

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