Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ballet Recital

The little chickens pecking with their beaks.

Teacher Laura put Sophia as the leader of all of the dances.

Juliet the kangaroo!

Sophia the kangaroo!

The girls had their recital for their dance class this morning at the Linden Hills Community Center. It was so darling. They did a chicken dance, kangaroo dance, and a unicorn dance. There were costumes for each dance. Sophia was one of the older kids, and the teacher put her as the leader of all of the dances. I tried to take videos, but I am not very good at doing it and they did not turn out. Sophia had been complaining about going to dance class for the last few weeks, but said that she really liked the recital today. She may just need to learn that it takes a lot of hard work before you get to have the enjoyment of the recital! We are taking a break from all organized activities in the summer, and we will see if we continue dance in the fall. I personally love it and hope that they want to continue.

Kindergarten Graduation: Part III

Sophia, Kate, and Juliet petting the animals.

Sophia riding on the pony.

Juliet having fun on the pony.

Juliet loves the pony ride.

Juliet petting the pony.
Mrs. Lisa had pony rides and a few farm animals at the park for the kids. Juliet was so excited about the pony rides. For days before the graduation she would talk about the pony rides. She told us that her pony was going to be named "rainbow" and would be "rainbow colored." The pony would be "two years old" and she was going to "race the pony." I was a little worried that she was going to be disappointed with a grey pony named "Frosty" who was not a race horse, but she was not disappointed. She didn't even notice that he wasn't rainbow-colored.

Immediately after the graduation, she starting running up the hill saying that she thought she saw the pony and wanted the pony ride right away. She was the first kid there and got the very first pony ride. She pet the pony for awhile before she rode it. She was so happy. Sophia rode the pony, too, but was not as excited about it.

By the way, the crown Juliet is wearing in these photos is an accessory that Juliet wears almost every day. She wears it like a headband and wears it everywhere --school, the park, the grocery store, lounging around at home. I guess that every moment of every day is a good time to wear a crown!

Kindergarten Graduation: Part II

Juliet having fun at the park. She wants to be a SW Montessori kid, too. When the kids sat on the long rope in the grass to start their singing, Juliet tried to sit there too. She could not hide her disappointment when she had to sit with the moms and dads and siblings of the SW Montessori kids instead.

Sophia and Liv.


Waiting in line for a balloon animal.

Having too much fun with her girlfriends.

Kindergarten Graduation: Part I

Sophia, Mrs. Heather, and Kate banging on the drums.

Mrs. Lisa presenting Sophia with her diploma and cap.

Inspecting her diploma.

Proud Sophia.

Sophia had a great year at SW Montessori. She made so many friends and learned so many new things. Sophia could read going into Kindergarten, but now she excels at it. She also has done really well on her spelling tests and has learned math and science skills . She really enjoyed going to school everyday. Sophia had seven kids in her graduation class, among the about 35 kids in her school. The big end of the year party was last Thursday night at a park in Minneapolis. The kids sang songs, played on the park equipment and had pony rides! We are so proud of Sophia. Next year, Sophia is off to First Grade in the public schools. But, we still get to be a part of SW Montessori because Juliet will go in the Fall!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Adam: "Juliet, can you please put your books away?"

Juliet: "Nokay."

Adam: "Thank you."

Juliet: "No! I said 'nokay.' "

Adam: "What does 'nokay' mean?"

Juliet: "It means 'no, I don't want to do that.' "


Juliet: "Mommy, I got hurt when I fell off the swing."

Chris: "Did you cry?"

Juliet: "I did a 'dry cry.' "

Chris: "What is a 'dry cry?' "

Juliet: "It is when you cry with no tears. You do that when you get hurt only a little bit."


At a family outing to Bachmans:

Juliet: "Mommy, those flowers smell like chocolate! Those flowers smell like grapes! Those flowers smell like butt!"


Juliet has several names for me including the traditional "Mama" and "Mommy." But, she also like to call me "Mama-sha-cong-a." I cannot really remember how it started.


Juliet: "Pee-pee...pee-pee...pee-pee."

Chris: "Juliet, no potty talk."

Juliet. "It's not potty talk! I am saying the letter P."