Sunday, June 15, 2008

Star Wars Exhibit

Daddy had the brilliant idea to get tickets for the star wars exhibit at the science museum for father's day! We had such a fantastic time. We saw storm troopers, Princess Lea, and Darth Vadar. There was also an exhibit where I got to ride (and steer) an actual hover craft. That was certainly the highlight. We also saw Luke Skywalker's prosthetic hand used in the film when Darth Vadar hurt it with his light-saber. I wanted daddy to tell me that story over and over again. I have not yet seen the star wars movies, but I am already a fan.

"Daddy! Are you blind? There is a storm trooper right next to us!" ---Juliet

"Princess Lea is so good and nice." ---Sophia

"Wow. This hover craft can really move. (I cannot believe they let a little kid like me ride this thing!)" --Sophia

"I used to have a hard time saying 'C3PO,' but now I can say it!" --Sophia

"You may be able to get Juliet to stand next to Darth Vadar, but not me! He's evil!" --Sophia

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