Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Tribute to Our Daddy on Father's Day

Thank You Daddy

Thank you for wiping our butts and our noses.
Thank you for kissing our heads and tickling our toes-es.

Thank you for being FUN FUN FUN.
Thank you for singing us songs and tucking us in when the day is done.

Thank you for killing spiders, drying our tears and keeping us safe.
Thank you for snuggling with us in the dark night and reminding us to "be brave."

Thank you for your calm and peaceful ways.
Thank you for your loving manner, even on the tough days.

Thank you for letting us eat our favorite treat--ice cream.
Thank you for letting us be our own true selves and letting us dream our big dreams.

Thank you for treating our mommy so wonderful and kind.
Thank you for making-up silly stories, making silly faces, and developing our little minds.

Thank you for baby-swing pushes, piggy-back rides, and carrying us around, too.
Dear daddy-dad, WE SURE DO LOVE YOU!

From your little princesses

Sophia & Juliet

Star Wars Exhibit

Daddy had the brilliant idea to get tickets for the star wars exhibit at the science museum for father's day! We had such a fantastic time. We saw storm troopers, Princess Lea, and Darth Vadar. There was also an exhibit where I got to ride (and steer) an actual hover craft. That was certainly the highlight. We also saw Luke Skywalker's prosthetic hand used in the film when Darth Vadar hurt it with his light-saber. I wanted daddy to tell me that story over and over again. I have not yet seen the star wars movies, but I am already a fan.

"Daddy! Are you blind? There is a storm trooper right next to us!" ---Juliet

"Princess Lea is so good and nice." ---Sophia

"Wow. This hover craft can really move. (I cannot believe they let a little kid like me ride this thing!)" --Sophia

"I used to have a hard time saying 'C3PO,' but now I can say it!" --Sophia

"You may be able to get Juliet to stand next to Darth Vadar, but not me! He's evil!" --Sophia

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A gazillion pictures of Juliet's baptism

My family and Juliet's godparents---Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Jeremy Finneman

The Heffelbowers--Ross, Daddy, Juliet, Mommy, Grandma, Grandpa, Jeremy, Brett, me, Lindsay and Scott

Daddy, Mommy and Juliet

The Frigos, Mulloys and Heffelbowers---Great Grandpa & Grandma, Grandma, Daddy, Juliet, Mommy, Grandpa and me

The party at our house!


Us. Again.

The christening.

Juliet's Baptismal Certificate.

Another one of us.

Juliet was baptised on June 1st at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Minneapolis, only a few blocks from our house. She wore the same dress that I wore for my baptism. Green Bay Grandma made the dress. Juliet talked and talked during the entire baptism. She was so loud that I could hardly hear the priest! I guess she was pretty excited to be baptised! Everyone was at baptism. Afterward, we had a party at our house with sandwiches, salads and bars. Yummy. I could have eaten hundreds of those bars!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Green Bay Grandma & Juliet

Aren't they so cute!!!

Little Angel

Mommy says that I look like a little angel in this picture. In reality, I am a pretty good little kid and sometimes even angelic. At my friend's birthday party, a lot of the other kids were digging their hands and fingers into the carebear birthday cake before it was even cut. But not me! I happily sang happy birthday and patiently waited for my piece of cake. And when a little girl asked for a lick of my sucker and then would not give it back, I asked nicely and then graciously gave it up in exchange for some chocolate. I am also good at sharing and taking turns.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Juliet is 4 Months Old!

It is hard to believe that 4 short months ago Juliet was not yet part of our little family. I have several nicknames for Juliet. The latest is Juliebepa. Tonight, Juliebepa and I played a silly little game. Juliet was trying to roll over, so I gave her a little shove to help her along. She thought that was pretty great and so did I. I then got on my stomach and laid down next her and laughed and laughed. Juliet giggled and shrieked. I did not know that being a big sister could be so much fun.
Juliet had her 4 month doctor's appointment last week. She is now 13 pounds, 15 ounces and 24.5 inches long. Dr. Mackey said that Juliet was "perfect."