Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Double Whamy Blizzard of 2007

The snow banks are taller than me!

It is fun sitting in the snow.

I kicked my boots into the snow banks.

The neighborhood kids and me.

Wow! We got a lot of snow! First, we had a big snowfall last weekend. Then, this week we had a few more days of snowfall. I do not how much snow actually accumulated, but I know that there is a lot of snow outside. The schools were closed on Friday, but daddy still had to go to work. I felt sorry for him because I had so much fun playing in the snow. I have a good pair of boots and a nice bright snowsuit, so I was all set for the big blizzard of 2007.

On another note, I am feeling much better after my bout with croup. I am still coughing a little bit, but I am pretty much back to normal.

I also thought you would like to know about my continued language development. I am learning new words everyday. It is pretty exciting. Also, I have been trying out some new variations of the word "mommy." I learned how to say "dad-dee" many months ago. I never really called him "da-da." It took me a lot longer to say "mommy." I started-out saying "mum." Then I moved to "mum-may," then "mom-may" and then "mom-mee." I am calling her "mama" these days. I am not sure why I call her so many different names, but she does not seem to mind.

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