Friday, February 16, 2007

My First Visit To The ER

I have croup. For those of you who do not know what that is, it is a common virus that is characterized by a cough that sounds like "a barking seal" and a fever. I do not feel the best, but it could be worse. I got sick on Valentine's Day. That night I had a coughing fit and afterward was having a little bit of trouble breathing. Mommy and daddy took me to the emergency room at Children's Hospital at 11:30 pm. I got to stay up until 2:30 am!

The hospital was super boring. We had to wait a long time. I hope I do not have to do that again! The nurses and doctors poked and prodded me. A nurse had to do an uncomfortable procedure on me and he said, "Sophia, can you be brave?" I had a quivering lip and tears in my eyes and said, "brave...brave...brave...brave..." until it was over. I did not even cry! I really am brave! The doctor gave me a yummy liquid steroid to ease the inflammation in my throat. It made me feel a little better. I will keep you posted on my progress, but I should be better in a few days. Mommy and daddy have been really nice to me and are letting me watch lots of Sesame Street.

Here are a few pictures of me in the last few days. I look pretty good for a sickey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, Sophia, we hope you feel better soon! Croup is no fun! Atticus had it last year and I nearly passed out when the doctor did a nasal swab.

We have big news on our website. . .when you're feeling better tell your Mommy to check it out!