Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sophia's Deep Thoughts

Sophia has a lot of deep thoughts:

The other day, I was talking to Sophia about a trip we took to Arizona when she was six months old. She asked if Juliet went on the trip, too. I said, "No, Juliet was not born yet." She replied, "She was in your tummy, right?" I said, "No. Juliet was not in my tummy." Totally perplexed, Sophia asked, "Then where WAS she?" I did not know how to answer. But, really, where WAS Juliet before she was born? I still think about it.

At school, Sophia has a geography lesson every week. She likes to talk to us about places and the earth. The other day she eagerly asked Adam and me, "Do you know who owns the earth?" We said that we didn't. She said, "No one owns the earth! Or, maybe the sky owns the earth!"

Sophia keeps us thinking!

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