Thursday, June 17, 2010


Here are a few things overheard at our house yesterday:

We were at the rose gardens. The girls were running around the grassy hills. When it was time to leave, Sophia was walking really, really slowly. There was a point where Juliet and I walked far ahead of her, and Sophia could not see us. When Sophia caught up with us, this is what she said:

Sophia: "When I was walking, and I could not see you, I was daydreaming. I was daydreaming that I was lost. Then, all of the animals came to help me find the way back to you. All of the animals came around me to help me: the squirrels, the birds and raccoons, but not the bugs."

Sophia has quite the imagination!


Adam had a bit of a frustrating time last night getting the girls to listen when they were in the bath and getting ready for bed. As Adam was putting Sophia to sleep, he told Sophia, "I was not a very good dad today." Here was Sophia's response:

Sophia: "No, you weren't. You wanted to be a good daddy, and you tried your best, but it just didn't work out."

Better luck next time, Adam.

I was downstairs doing the dishes and the girls were coming down the stairs. Suddenly, I hear a "thud, thud, thud," and Sophia crying. I saw Sophia on the landing clutching her leg. I asked her what had happened. Here was her response:

Sophia: "I bounced down the stairs like a ball!"

Poor, Sophia. She quickly recovered with a small bruise on her leg.

There is never a dull moment (or conversation) with little Miss Sophia in the house.

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