Monday, March 01, 2010


These two sisters love each other so much. They love spending time together and playing together. They share a room. If they have been separated for any length of time, they will run and give each other big hugs. Because they spend a lot of time together, they also have little fights quite often.
Today, Sophia was bugged that Juliet was not giving her what she perceived as enough room on the couch. Sophia chose to remedy this situation by kicking her legs at Juliet, which resulted in an immediate consequence. I then talked (okay, lectured) to Sophia about the importance of being kind to her sister.
I said, "Sophia, you will never regret being kind to your little sister. You need to be gentle with her because she is so little."
Sophia then immediately turned to Juliet and started chanting in a whisper, "grow..grow..grow.."

I laughed so hard, and both of girls soon joined in.

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