Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Baby Juliet is here!

My new baby sister:
Juliet Frances Heffelbower
January 29, 2008
7 pounds 7 ounces
20 inches
I visited mommy and daddy in the hospital with White Bear Lake Grandma the day after Juliet was born. I insisted on wearing one boot and one shoe for this momentous occasion. I came into the hospital room with a smile on face, looked at mommy holding Juliet and said with my arms out-reached, "I want her. I want her." I sat in a chair and got to hold my little sister for the first time. I love her already.


Anonymous said...

Sophia, you are going to be such a great big sister--congratulations! Give little Juliet a big smooch for me and ask your mom how she looks so darned pretty after giving birth?!? Happy birthday to everyone, yay!


Sarah said...

Congratulations Chris, Adam and Sophia! Baby Juliet is as beautiful as her name :)

The Cruz Family