Sunday, January 13, 2008

The New Baby is Coming Soon!

The new baby is coming really soon. Mommy and Daddy have been busy rearranging their bedroom so that the new baby can sleep in the pack 'n' play in their bedroom. I am enjoying trying out all of the new baby's things, including the bed. Often, I pretend that I am the baby. Today, I asked to be put in the baby's bed. I then insisted on having my dollie's bottle, a blankie put on me and to snuggle with Bunny Bun. I then cried like this, "Wah, wah, wah, I need a bottle," or "Wah, wah, wah, I need a diaper change." It was great fun.

I try to image what it will be like to have a little baby in the house. I often say, "The new baby can't eat soup" or "the new baby can't talk" or "the new baby can't play with toys" or "the new baby will cry" or "the new baby will drink milk from Mommy's boob." I am getting pretty excited.

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