Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is our house a death trap?

At the risk of sounding a bit old-fashioned, we have only one tv in the house. And, this tv is 12 years old. We were perfectly happy with our tv until two days ago when it nearly fell and crushed our little Juliettie. Old tv's, like ours, are very thick and front-heavy. We have ours sitting on top of a wooden chest with doors. Two days ago, the girls opened the doors of the chest, when Sophia leaned on one of the doors. This small act caused the entire chest, including the tv, to tip forward. The chest managed to right itself, but the front-heavy tv continued its fall forward. Super-hero Adam, seeing what was about to happen, jumped in-between the tv and Juliet who was standing directly in front of it. The tv hit Adam's shoulder and bounced to the floor. Adam has a cut and bruise on his shoulder, the tv is fine, and Juliet has no idea what could have happened.

Thus, despite our "extreme budget makeover," we have decided to dip into our savings and purchase a small LCD tv. But, this all makes me wonder, is our house a death trap? Will super-hero Adam be there the next time?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Juliet at (almost) 14 months

A few funny stories about Juliet:
Juliet loves the bath. Every night Sophia and Juliet take a bath together. They splash around, and Juliet will even sometimes put her face in the water and look-up with a bit of a shocked look on her face. Sophia usually plays a make-believe game about being a mermaid, frog, princess, etc.
Two nights ago, we had a little Juliet bath surprise: Juliet pooped in the bath! This has never happened to us before, and it really is quite shocking to see a big brown turd floating in the water. Sophia immediately notified us of the situation, "Juliet pooped! Get me out! Get me out!", which we promptly did. I was on "cleaning up the baby" duty and Adam got "cleaning up the bath" duty. We are hoping that this was a first (and last) of this kind of bath tub surprise.
Now onto more pleasant things. We have been struggling with finding a "lovey" for Juliet.
By the time Sophia was about six or seven months old, she was already 100% attached to Bunny Bun. Juliet has been much pickier. We have tried various animals and blankets to no avail. But, we may have recently hit upon something:

Juliet loves a particular book and has been snuggling with it for the past few nights. This is no ordinary book. It is a book that I made when Sophia was about six months old of photographs of me, Adam and Sophia. Juliet is obsessed. We will see if this obsession lasts!

New Blog Format!

We have decided to go with a new blog format. Until now, our little Miss Sophia was the voice behind the blog (with a little help from me, her mommy). However, this format has become a bit awkward now that we are blogging about both of our daughters and Juliet does not have a "voice" in the blog. Also, Sophia truly does have her own voice now, and it no longer feels right "speaking" on her behalf, even if it is just pretending.

Thus, we are introducing our new blog! I will be writing the posts as myself, sharing the wonderful adventures that we have raising our two girls.


Monday, March 16, 2009